At Hawkesley Church Primary Academy, we are committed to fostering a lifelong love of reading, enabling our pupils to become confident, competent readers. Our reading curriculum is designed to ensure that all children, regardless of their starting points, can develop a range of essential skills including phonemic awareness, comprehension, fluency, and a passion for literature.
Our intent is to:
- Provide a Rich Literary Experience: We aim to expose children to a diverse range of texts across genres, cultures, and themes, encouraging an appreciation of literature that reflects the world around them and promotes cultural diversity.
- Develop Critical Thinking and Comprehension Skills: By implementing a curriculum that emphasises higher-order thinking skills, we aim to cultivate critical and independent thinkers who can analyse and evaluate texts deeply, while building on oracy skills enabling children to articulate their analysis to a high standard.
- Promote a Reading Culture: We endeavour to create a reading-rich environment where reading is regarded as enjoyable and meaningful, supported by engaging classroom libraries, reading corners, authors of the month, reading scrapbooks and reading cafes.
- Ensure Inclusivity and Accessibility: We aim to meet the needs of all learners, including those with additional needs, through adapted instruction and bespoke scaffolding that helps every child to thrive.
(See policy below for a more detailed explanation of how we implement)
To deliver our reading intent, we have established a systematic and coordinated approach:
- Structured Phonics Programme: We employ a synthetic phonics programme (Read, Write Inc) that is consistently delivered across the school, ensuring all children acquire phonetic knowledge and decoding skills by the end of Year 2.
- Whole Class Reading Sessions: Our whole class reading approach engages all pupils in reading the same text, fostering collaboration and shared experiences. This promotes comprehension and critical thinking within a supportive environment and significantly improves oracy skills.
- Novel Study: We implement novel studies across years 3-6, allowing pupils to dive deep into a narrative, exploring character development, themes, and author techniques, enriching their understanding and appreciation of literature.
- Quality Text Selection: Teachers curate and implement a selection of high-quality texts that align with the curriculum, taking into account the diverse interests and backgrounds of our pupils. This includes utilising modern and classic literature, non-fiction, and poetry. These can be found in our ‘100 books to read’ lists. The children also play a crucial role in deciding which texts to share.
- Reading Plus: Reading Plus (Y3-6) provides an integrated reading intervention program for all learners. The program includes an adaptive assessment, personalised instruction and practice, and easily accessible resources that enable teachers to meet the needs of every student. Teachers conduct regular, formative assessments to identify specific reading needs, followed by small-group interventions to ensure personalised support.
- Oxford Reading Buddies: Oxford Reading Buddies (EYFS-Y2) is used as a digital reading service that makes reading interactive, motivating and engaging for our younger readers.
- Reading Across the Curriculum: We integrate reading skills into all subject areas, promoting interdisciplinary learning where reading is used as a tool for inquiry and research, reinforcing comprehension and vocabulary across disciplines.
- Regular Assessments and Data Monitoring: We conduct regular assessments using multiple measures (standardised tests, teacher assessments, and formative checks) to monitor progress and adapt teaching strategies accordingly. This data informs our planning and timely interventions.
- Professional Development for Staff: We prioritise ongoing professional development through workshops, peer observations, and collaboration. Staff are encouraged to share best practices in teaching reading.
The effectiveness of our reading strategies is evidenced by:
- Enhanced Reading Outcomes: We consistently see outcomes above national averages in phonics screening checks, Year 2 SATs, and Year 6 reading assessments, reflecting the success of our curriculum and teaching methods.
- Increased Engagement: Pupil surveys and feedback indicate a high level of engagement and enthusiasm for reading. Our school library usage has increased significantly, with positive reports on the impact of reading scrapbooks, book events and author of the month.
- Pupil Progress: Tracking individual progress demonstrates significant growth from initial assessments, with all pupils, including those identified as disadvantaged and with additional needs, making impressive strides in their reading skills including those in the lowest 20%.
- Cultural Literacy and Empathy: Pupils demonstrate an understanding of diverse perspectives and cultural contexts, enhancing their empathy and social awareness. Literature discussions foster dialogue and critical thinking skills.
- Lifelong Readers: All children leaving Hawkelsey go on to be life long readers.
In conclusion, our comprehensive framework for reading is designed to deliver a high-quality education that not only meets the expectations laid out in Ofsted’s inspection framework but also instils a sustained passion for reading in all our pupils.