Thank you for visiting our website where we are proud to share information about our one-form entry school and everything that we are doing to help children flourish.
At the centre of our school are our wonderful children who are a joy to be with. They are encouraged to let their light shine at every opportunity, show the greatness in themselves and be inspired by the greatness in others. Our staff team are caring and committed – they know our children well through the positive relationships they have established and they are dedicated to nurturing the whole child. At Hawkesley, staff work tirelessly to provide the very best outcomes for children through partnerships with parents and a rich, exciting school curriculum so that children are ready for life beyond school. We place great importance on all stakeholders feeling seen, heard and valued which is achieved through the strong connections we make with each other. We strive to ensure that children feel loved and safe – our duty of care to our children is always of paramount importance.
As a Church of England and Methodist school, we believe that every one of us is created in the image of God and we take inspiration from four role models in the Bible to live our vision of ‘Let Your Light Shine’ (Matthew 5:16) through our four tenets:
- Greatness (being the best version of ourselves)
- Same but different (recognising our similarities and embracing the uniqueness in ourselves and others)
- Learning Community (coming together to achieve a common goal)
- The Golden Rule (“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Luke 6:31)
Visit our ‘Vision and Values’ section to find out who our role models are!
Living our school vision to its fullest extent is what drives us: we strive for all children to experience success in all areas of their lives and develop themselves spiritually, emotionally, socially and academically. Central to this is prayer, collective worship and quality RE which is emblematic of our school values and culture. I am truly privileged to serve our community as Headteacher and I am incredibly proud of our school. If you would like to come and see us in person, you are very welcome to contact our school office to book a visit.
God bless you all,