
Local Academy Board

Hawkesley Church Primary Academy has retained its religious base and is part of Birmingham Diocesan Multi-Academy Trust (BDMAT). Every school within BDMAT has its own Local Academy Board. The Local Academy Board takes a keen interest in all aspects of school life and is responsible for the general oversight of the conduct and the curriculum of the school.

The Local Academy Board consists of:

  • 8 Governors (appointed by BDMAT)

Other Governors include:

  • two parents (elected by the parents)
  • two members of staff – one is usually a teacher and the other is a support staff (elected by the staff)
  • the Headteacher (if s/he opts to be a member of the Local Academy Board)

The Governors have an important job to do. They are involved in:

  • deciding what is taught
  • setting standards of behaviour
  • monitoring attendance and punctuality
  • interviewing and selecting staff
  • deciding how the school budget is spent
  • maintaining the school building

Click Here For Hawkesley Church Primary Academy Governor Information.